"Ion Microscopy: A New Approach for Subcellular Localization of Labelle" by E. Hindie, P. Hallégot et al.

Scanning Microscopy


Secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) was used to obtain images representing the intracellular distribution of molecules labelled with carbon 14.

Deoxyadenosine labelled with carbon 14 was added to a cultured human fibroblast cell medium, and the intracellular distribution of this molecule was studied using three different SIMS instruments: the CAMECA IMS 3F and SMI 300 ion microscopes and the UC-HRL scanning ion microprobe.

Carbon 14 distribution images obtained by this method show that deoxyadenosine U-C14 is present in the cytoplasm as well as the nucleus, with a higher concentration in' the nucleoli. Our study clearly demonstrates that ion microscopy is well suited for carbon 14 detection and localization at the subcellular level, permitting a wide variety of microanalytical tracer experiments.

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