"Scanning Electron Microscopy Studies of Extended Defects in Semiconduc" by C. A. Dimitriadis

Scanning Microscopy


Extended defects, such as dislocations and grain boundaries, play an important role in determining the performance of various semiconductor devices. This paper reviews applications of electron-beam-induced-current and cathodoluminescence scanning electron microscopy for the investigation of dislocations and grain boundaries in semiconductors. We developed a simple analytical method for the determination of the grain boundary recombination velocity and the minority carrier diffusion length, in contrast to a previous method which requires the use of a computer for the numerical calculation of an integral expression. We, also, studied theoretically the influence of an individual dislocation on the minority carrier lifetime. Investigation of dislocations in GaP indicated that the carrier recombination takes place at a Cottrell atmosphere of the S-donor/Cu complexes surrounding the dislocations.

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