"Monte Carlo Calculations of Secondary Electron Emission" by Suichu Luo and David C. Joy

Scanning Microscopy


Monte Carlo calculations of slow secondary electron (SE) generation have been performed. Construction of a model for SE production involves three distinct steps, determining the trajectory of the incident electron, computing the rate of secondary electron generation along the trajectory of both primary and backscattered electrons, and finally calculating the secondary electron emission by using a hybrid model of the exponential decay law and cascade process. The incident electron trajectory is computed using a plural scattering Monte Carlo model. For secondary electron generation our models take into account all possible creation processes of SE resulting from the interaction of primary and backscattered electrons with free as well as bound (core) electrons and from the volume plasmon decay. Calculated SE yields, energy distributions, angular and depth distributions for Au, Ag Cu and Al are in good agreement with the experimental data available in the literature.

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