"Calcium Levels in Ruffle-Ended and Smooth-Ended Maturation Ameloblasts" by S. H. Ashrafi, D. R. Eisenmann et al.

Scanning Microscopy


Scanning electron microscopy was used to distinguish the topographical characteristics of two maturation ameloblast types in freeze-dried blocks of enamel organ tissue. This distinction was based primarily upon the configuration of the distal ends of the ameloblasts and the presence or absence of wide intercellular spaces.

Energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry was applied to compare calcium levels in various regions of tissue identified as constituting either ruffle-ended or smooth ended ameloblasts. Greater levels of calcium were found in the distal ends of the ruffle-ended cells than in their proximal ends. In addition, greater calcium levels were found in the distal ends of the ruffle-ended cells than the distal ends of the smooth-ended cells. The higher calcium levels in ruffle-ended cells correlates with the view that these cells are actively involved in control of movement of calcium to the enamel front.

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