Scanning Microscopy
Volume 9, Number 4 (1995)
Target Geometry Dependence of Electron Energy Loss Spectra in Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM)
A. Rivacoba, J. Aizpurura, and N. Zabala
Penetration of Positrons in Solid Targets
Maurizio Dapor
Photoemission and Free Electron Laser Spectromicroscopy: Photoemission at High Lateral Resolution
G. Margaritondo
Scanning Probe Microscope Gigahertz Measurements on 200 Nanometer Wave Guides
C. Böhm, J. Sprengepiel, and E. Kubalek
X-Ray Standing Wave Studies of Ad-Dimers on Si(001)
Y. Qian, P. F. Lyman, and M. J. Bedzyk
Atomic Force Microscopy Study of Fine Structures of the Entire Surface of Red Blood Cells
P. -C. Zhang, C. Bai, Y. -M. Huang, H. Zhao, Y. Fang, N. -X. Wang, and Q. Li
Low Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy of Clay and Organic Constituents and their Relevance to Soil Microstructures
C. Chenu and D. Tessier
Human Skin Physiology Studied by Particle Probe Microanalysis
B. Forslind, M. Lindberg, K. G. Malmqvist, J. Pallon, G. M. Roomans, and Y. Werner-Linde
In Vivo Metal Substitutions in Metal Sequestering Subcellular Compartments: X-Ray Mapping in Cryosections
A. J. Morgan, C. Winters, A. Yarwood, and N. Wilkinson
Induction of Crystallization of Calcium Oxalate Dihydrate in Micellar Solutions of Anionic Surfactants
H. Füredi-Milhofer, L. Tunik, N. Filipovic-Vincekovic, D. Skrtic, V. Babic-Ivancic, and N. Garti
Crystalline Composition of Equine Urinary Sabulous Deposits
M. Díaz-Espiñeira, E. Escolar, J. Bellanato, and J. A. Medina
Morphological Effects of Glycosaminoglycans on Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Crystals
Y. Shirane, Y. Kurokawa, Y. Sumiyoshi, and S. Kagawa
Analysis of Glycosaminoglycans Induced in Newly Formed Calcium Oxalate Crystals Using an Undiluted Urine System
Koji Suzuki and Ryuzo Tsugawa
Oxalate-Induced Damage to Renal Tubular Cells
C. R. Scheid, H. K. Koul, L. Kennington, W. A. Hill, J. Luber-Narod, J. Jonassen, T. Honeyman, and M. Menon
Dietary Oxalate and Its Intestinal Absorption
Ross P. Holmes, Harold O. Goodman, and Dean G. Assimos
Alterations in Intestinal Transport of Oxalate in Disease States
Marguerite Hatch and Robert W. Freel
Vitamin B6 Deficiency and Galactose Induced Alterations in Morphology and Osmotic Fragility of Rat Erythrocytes
P. Kaul, H. Sidhu, S. K. Thind, S. K. Sharma, and R. Nath
Apoptosis and Calcification
Kookmin M. Kim
Dental Abnormalities and Early Diagnosis of Hyperphosphatasemia
M. J. Bottero-Cornillac, A. Gaucher, C. Wang, M. Chaussidon, and J. Yvon
Immunogold Labeling for the Diagnosis of Leukemia by Transmission and Scanning Electron Microscopy
Etienne de Harven, Davide Soligo, and Hilary Christensen
Thymocyte Proliferation and Apoptosis Induced by Ionizing Radiation
Vera V. Shaposhnikova and Yuri N. Korystov
Elliptical-P Cells in the Avian Perilymphatic Interface of the Tegmentum Vasculosum
C. D. Fermin, D. H. Lee, and D. S. Martin
The Formation of Filopodia-Like Protrusions During Preparation of Cell Suspensions for Scanning Electron Microscopy
Yuri A. Rovensky
Microvascular Corrosion Casting in the Study of Tumor Vascularity: A Review
M. A. Konerding, A. J. Miodonski, and A. Lametschwandtner
Examination of Injected Specimens by Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy
A. Castenholz
Vascular Architecture of the Lactating and Non-Lactating Teat of the Bitch: A Scanning Electron- and Light Microscope Study
F. J. Pérez-Aparicio, V. Dantzer, M. Navarro, A. Carretero, and J. Ruberte