

Table of contents

New insecticides, by G. F. Knowlton, W. P. Nye, F. V. Lieberman, F. E. Todd, and G. E. Bohart 1

Statistics in agricultural research, by Bliss H. Crandall 2, 4

Ring spot cause of tree degeneration in Utah orchards, by G. W. Cochran, B. N. Wadley, G. H. Kaloostian, and B. L. Richards 3

Bonneville, a new spring barley ready for release, by R. W. Woodward 5

Spacing of sugar beets studied in relation to yield and quality, by J. H. Haddock 6

Why not use a soil test as a guide to your fertilizer practice, by J. P. Thorne and D. W. Thorne 9

Mountain meadows respond to proper management, by D. W. Pittman and R. F. Nielson 10

Fertilizers affect composition as well as yields of alfalfa, by D. A. Greenwood and D. W. Pittman 12

Increasing returns from wool, by M. A. Madsen 13

Hexamitiasis found in turkey flocks in Utah, by D.M. Hammond and M. L. Miner 14

Some trends in American agriculture, by G. T. Blanch 22
