

Table of contents

Lower agricultural prices predicted for 1953, by W. P. Thomas 73

Loran Blood and V. R. Moscow, two new verticillium wilt resistant tomatoes for Utah, by O. S. Cannon, and V. Waddoups 74

Sheep breeding and management study shows superiority of Columbia lambs for southern Utah conditions, by M. A. Madsen, J. A. Bennett, D. H. Matthews and D. J. Matthews 77

Research, an answer to the farmers' problems 78

Green lima beans for variety and nutrition, by E. B. Wilcox and L. S. Galloway 83

Irrigation more effective with closer spaced furrows, by S. A. Taylor 84

Consumptive use of water studies provide basis for division of the waters of the Colorado River, by D. K. Fuhriman and W. D. ~ Criddle 86

Utah's range sheep industry on decline, by H. R. Hochmuth 88

Urbanization brings social and economic changes to Davis County, by T. R. Black 90

Mechanical power revolutionizes sugar beet production in Utah, J by E. M. Morrison and L. H. Davis 92

Heptachlor effective in ant control, by G. F. Knowlton 96
