"Utah Science (UTScience)"


Table of contents

Orson S. Cannon 3

Utah's tomato industry-Its development and future, J. LaMar Anderson and Alvin R. Hamson 4

Hastening green-wrap tomato ripening-with Ethrel, D. K. Salunkhe, J. LaMar Anderson, and J. B. Patil 6

Early maturing, low temperature germinating tomatoes for Utah, Orson S. Cannon 8

Accelerating tomato maturity with Ethrel-for mechanical harvesting, J . LaMar Anderson and Orlin Lusk 9

Weed control in tomatoes, J. LaMar Anderson 11

Bacterial canker of tomatoes, Orson S. Cannon 13

Greenhouse tomato production, David R. Walker 14

Freeze-dehydrated applesauce has potential-from baby food to space feeding, D. K. Salunkhe, Y. S. Lee, and H. R. Bolin 15

Wildlife notes 17

Water quality determines quality of canned products, D. K. Salunkhe, Jack Chaing, and B. Singh 18

The future potential of shrubs on Utah ranges, Gordon A. Van Epps, A. Perry Plummer, and Cyrus M. McKell 21

Halogeton poisoning in sheep-a plague on western ranges, Lyn n F. James 24

Goatsrue, a potential forage crop, turned out to be a weed, D. C. Ti ngey 25

Pinyon-juniper chainings-and deer? Ted L. Terrel and J. Juan Spillett 29

The wandering moose-the case of 32
