"Biochemical ecology of the forest tent caterpillar: responses to direc" by R.L. Lindroth and M.S. Bloomer

Aspen Bibliography

Biochemical ecology of the forest tent caterpillar: responses to directory protein and phenolic glycosides

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Interactions between quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) and the forest tent caterpillar (Malacosoma disstria) are likely to be influenced by leaf protein and phenolic glycoside levels, and insect detoxication activity. We investigated the direct and interactive effects of dietary protein and phenolic glycosides on larval performance and midgut enzyme activity of forest tent caterpillars. We conducted bioassays with six artificial diets, using both first and fourth stadium larvae. Four of the diets comprised a 2×2 factorial design-two levels of protein, each with and without phenolic glycosides. Additionally, we assayed high protein diets containing S,S,S-tributylphosphorotrithioate (DEF, an esterase inhibitor) and DEF plus phenolic glycosides. Enzyme solutions were prepared from midguts of sixth instars and assayed for β-glucosidase, esterase and glutathione transferase activities. First instar mortality and development times were higher for larvae on diets low in protein or containing phenolic glycosides. Effects of phenolic glycosides were especially pronounced at low protein levels and when administered with DEF. Fourth instar development times were prolonged, and growth rates reduced, in response to consumption of low protein diets. Effects of phenolic glycosides on growth were less pronounced, although the effect for larvae on the low protein diet was nearly significant. Activity of each of the enzyme systems was reduced in larvae reared on low protein diets, and esterase activity was induced in larvae fed phenolic glycosides. Our results suggest that larval performance may be strongly affected by levels of protein and phenolic glycosides commonly occurring in aspen foliage, and that these factors may play a role in differential defoliation of aspen by forest tent caterpillars.

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