"Effects of nutrient enrichment and leaf quality on the breakdown of le" by Todd V. Royer and G. Wayne Minshall

Aspen Bibliography

Effects of nutrient enrichment and leaf quality on the breakdown of leaves in a hardwater stream

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Freshwater Biology





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  1. The breakdown of leaf litter in streams is influenced strongly by leaf quality and the concentration of dissolved nutrients, primarily inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in the water. We examined the effect of nutrient enrichment on the breakdown of three species of leaves in a hardwater, nutrient-rich stream. The rate of microbial respiration was also measured on the decomposing leaves.
  2. The breakdown rates of dogwood (Cornus stolonifera), aspen (Populus tremuloides) and birch (Betula occidentalis), k-values of 0.0461, 0.0307 and 0.0186 day–1, respectively, were unaffected by nutrient enrichment and generally faster than reported previously. Microbial respiration on the leaves was greater than reported previously for leaves of congeneric species. It appears that leaf breakdown in the study stream was not nutrient limited.
  3. Nitrogen-based measures of leaf quality, such as percentage N and carbon (C)/nitrogen ratio, did not correspond to measured breakdown rates among the three leaf types. The best predictors of relative breakdown rates were percentage lignin and the percentage of the total carbon that occurred as lignin. We suggest that, when leaf breakdown is not nutrient limited, measures of carbon quality (i.e. lignin-based measures) are a better assessment of overall leaf quality than are N-based measures.
  4. Previous studies have indicated that the enzymes produced by aquatic hyphomycetes (microfungi) operate most efficiently at a basic pH and in the presence of calcium ions. The hardwater conditions (pH=8.6, total hardness > 300 mg CaCO3 L–1) and abundance of dissolved NO3 and soluble reactive phosphorous (SRP) (approximately 50 μg L–1, each) in the study stream appear to have provided conditions that resulted in a high respiration rate and rapid breakdown of leaf litter.

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