Aspen Bibliography

Compatibility and Growth of Columnar European Aspen on Poplar Rootstocks

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Journal/Book Title/Conference

Combined Proceedings, International Plant Propagators' Society



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Hardwood or softwood cuttings of most poplars root easily with the exception of white poplars and aspens which belong to one section of the genus Populus. White poplars generally propagate easily by softwood cuttings and with more difficulty by hardwood cuttings; both softwood and hardwood aspen cuttings generally root poorly. Under natural conditions the aspens regenerate quickly from root suckers and seed.

Columnar European aspen (Populus tremula L. ‘Erecta’) is a valuable columnar clone that has proven difficult to propagate. Many attempts, by the authors, to root softwood cuttings have resulted in less than 10% success. Despite its value as a hardy upright poplar for northern areas, propagation failures have prevented wide commercial acceptance of this clone.

Propagation failures have stimulated research into aspen clonal propagation by greenwood cuttings (1), adventitious etiolated cuttings from root cuttings (1, 3) and tissue culture (5, 6). While these techniques have been
