Aspen Bibliography
Document Type
USDI, Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake City, Utah
First Page
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Publication Date
An extensive search was conducted of archival and other sources to locate as many historical photographs as possible for the Henry Mountains in south-central Utah. Those images were then taken into the field, the original camera stations relocated, and modern pictures made of the historical scenes to evaluate long-term vegetation change and land management activities. In all, 626 repeat photo sets were compiled—608 by the author and 18 by Earl Hindley. This book includes 126 photo sets that were representative of the areas studied.
Recommended Citation
Kay, C. E. 2015. Long-term vegetation change in Utah's Henry Mountains: a study in repeat photography. USDI, Bureau of Land Management, Salt Lake City, Utah. 274 p.
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Agriculture Commons, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Commons, Forest Sciences Commons, Genetics and Genomics Commons, Plant Sciences Commons