Presentation of radiometric measurements and calibration methods using the Sun, Moon, stars, and other celestial objects in the ultra-violet, visible, and infrared wavelengths.

Session Chair: Thomas Stone, U.S. Geological Survey

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Wednesday, August 26th
1:05 AM

Absolute Radiometric Calibration Using a Solar Reflector in Near-Geosynchronous Orbit

Richard J. Rudy, The Aerospace Corporation
Ray W. Russell, The Aerospace Corporation
Dan J. Mabry, The Aerospace Corporation
Andrea M. Gilbert, The Aerospace Corporation
Paul V. Anderson, The Aerospace Corporation
David J. Gutierrez, The Aerospace Corporation
Stephen Schiller, Raytheon Intelligence, Information, and Services

1:05 AM

1:30 AM

The Moon & Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (MERBE)

Grant Matthews, Zedika Solutions LLC

1:30 AM

2:20 AM

Status of S-NPP VIIRS Solar and Lunar Calibration

X. Xiong, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
N. Lei, Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI)
J. Fulbright, Columbus Technologies and Services, Inc.
Zhipeng Wang, Science Systems and Applications, Inc. (SSAI)

2:20 AM

2:45 AM

Toward a New Lunar Calibration Reference Standard

Thomas C. Stone, U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

2:45 AM

1:55 PM

Outcome of the GSICS/CEOS-IVOS Lunar Calibration Workshop

T. Hewison, EUMETSAT
T. Stone, U.S. Geological Survey
S. Lachérade, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
B. Fougnie, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (CNES)
J. Xiong, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

1:55 PM