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International Ground Water Modeling Center
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Applications of simulation/optimization (S/0) software to develop contamination remediation strategies include formal remediation optimization using heads and gradients (hydraulics-based) and concentrations (risk-based) constraints. The six reported cases involve pump and treat systems, or pump, treat and re-inject systems, together termed PAT systems. We used S/0 modeling to perform hydraulic optimization for two of the sites and transport optimization for four. For four of the six sites, other parties used normal simulation (S) modeling alone to develop pumping strategies. Comparing the S/0 model-developed strategies with the S model-developed strategies showed S/0 modeling benefits ranging up to: (a) 25 percent reduction in construction cost and 20 percent reduction in O&M costs; (b) 160 percent increase in mass removal; and (c) 62.5 percent reduction in number of extraction wells, and (d) 25 percent reduction in new wells with six percent increase in mass removal. The earlier that S/0 modeling was used in the design process, and the more freedom given to the S/0 model, the greater the benefit.
Recommended Citation
Peralta, R. C. 2001. Remediation simulation/optimization demonstrations. In Proceedings of MODFLOW and Other Modeling Odysseys. 2001. Eds, Seo, Poeter, Zheng and Poeter, Pub. IGWMC. p. 651-657.