Dynamical Downscaling of GPM Precipitation Observations for Hydrologic Applications via WRF 4D-Var Assimilation of Precipitation
Document Type
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Journal of Hydrometeorology
American Meteorological Society
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The objective of this study is to develop a framework for dynamically downscaling spaceborne precipitation products using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model with four-dimensional variational data assimilation (4D-Var). Numerical experiments have been conducted to 1) understand the sensitivity of precipitation downscaling through point-scale precipitation data assimilation and 2) investigate the impact of seasonality and associated changes in precipitation-generating mechanisms on the quality of spatiotemporal downscaling of precipitation. The point-scale experiment suggests that assimilating precipitation can significantly affect the precipitation analysis, forecast, and downscaling. Because of occasional overestimation or underestimation of small-scale summertime precipitation extremes, the numerical experiments presented here demonstrate that the wintertime assimilation produces downscaled precipitation estimates that are in closer agreement with the reference National Centers for Environmental Prediction stage IV dataset than similar summertime experiments. This study concludes that the WRF 4D-Var system is able to effectively downscale a 6-h precipitation product with a spatial resolution of 20 km to hourly precipitation with a spatial resolution of less than 10 km in grid spacing—relevant to finescale hydrologic applications for the era of the Global Precipitation Measurement mission.
Recommended Citation
Lin L., A.M. Ebtehaj, R. L. Bras, A. Flores, J. Wang (2014), Dynamical Downscaling of GPM Precipitation Observations for Hydrologic Applications via WRF 4D-Var Assimilation of Precipitation, J. Hydrometeorol. 16, 811829, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-14-0042.1