Biological soil crusts of Arabian sabkhat
Document Type
Journal/Book Title/Conference
Ecosystems, Vol. 1: The Arabian Peninsula and Adjacent Countries
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Kluwer Academic Publishers
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Biological soil crusts are a critical component of many arid regions. Where vegetation is extremely limited, such as Arabian sabkha!. these soil crusts may play many important ecological roles. These roles include nitrogen and carbon inputs, maintaining plant-essential nutrients in a bio-available form, influencing local hydrology. afTecting establishment of vascular plants, and decreasing soil erosion from either wind or water. Surface disturbance can heavily impact biological soil crusts, and often leads to reduced nutrient input and increased soil erosion. Little work has been done on Arabian sabkhat. although they may be an essential part of these ecosystems.
Recommended Citation
Belnap, J., 2002, Biological soil crusts of Arabian sabkhat, in Barth, H.-J., and Böer, B., eds., Sabkha Ecosystems, Vol. 1: The Arabian Peninsula and Adjacent Countries: Dordrecht, The Netherlands, Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 227-237.
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