Design, Development and Delivery of Online Courses for Natural Resource Management

Presenter Information

Kieran J. Lindsey, Virginia Tech


Smyth 146

Event Website

Start Date

3-27-2010 11:15 AM

End Date

3-27-2010 12:00 PM


Online educators from a variety of universities will present examples of their approach to online education for natural resource management topics. Distance learning issues‐‐e.g., ever expanding technology choices, the pros and cons of synchronous and asynchronous delivery, virtual workgroups for homework assignments, facilitating instructor‐student and student‐student communication‐‐will be discussed and real‐world examples provided. Distance learning instructor presentations will be followed by a panel discussion to allow further exploration for those interested in taking the distance learning plunge.


Citation: Lindsey, K.J. 2010. Design, development and delivery of online courses for natural resource management. UENR Biennial Conference, Session Distance Education, Paper Number 4.

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Mar 27th, 11:15 AM Mar 27th, 12:00 PM

Design, Development and Delivery of Online Courses for Natural Resource Management

Smyth 146

Online educators from a variety of universities will present examples of their approach to online education for natural resource management topics. Distance learning issues‐‐e.g., ever expanding technology choices, the pros and cons of synchronous and asynchronous delivery, virtual workgroups for homework assignments, facilitating instructor‐student and student‐student communication‐‐will be discussed and real‐world examples provided. Distance learning instructor presentations will be followed by a panel discussion to allow further exploration for those interested in taking the distance learning plunge.