"A Study of Root Biomass in an Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Stand in " by Larry O. Gadt

A Study of Root Biomass in an Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir Stand in Northern Utah


Larry O. Gadt

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Full Issue

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Biomass of roots in the top 6 inches of soil profile was measured. This weight was then used in a stepwise multiple regression to test correlations between root biomass and above ground mensurational parameters. Total biomass of all roots was 9822 ± 2810 pounds per acre oven dry. Spruce roots weighed 4417 ± 997 pounds per acre; of this spruce roots less than 0.125 inch diameter weighed 2023 ± 347 pounds per acre and biomass of spruce roots greater than 0.125 inch diameter was 2394 ± 853 pounds per acre. Total fir roots weighed 5156 ± 2687 pounds per acre; of this roots less than 0.125 inch totaled 869 ± 181 pounds per acre and biomass of fir roots greater than 0.125 inch diameter was 4287 ± 2653 pounds per acre. Low r2 (0.11 to 0.17) values were found and the parameters which show­ed the greatest predictive value were (dbh)2, dbh, basal area, (basal area)2, and height. The sampling design involved the pairing of trees over 4 inches diameter. Point density expressed as basal area was not useful in relating to root biomass'with this sampling design.


This item is a thesis published by a student who attended Utah State University. Abstract can be accessed through the remote link. Fulltext not available online.

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