Climate Change as Environmental Mega-Crisis: Domesticated Problems, Patchwork Solutions, Inadequate Incentives
Document Type
Journal/Book Title
Magazine National Safety & Security and Crisis Management
Directorate for National Safety and Security of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations in The Netherlands
Publication Date
Special Issue
First Page
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Climate change threatens a cascade of mini-crises across a wide range of ecological and human sites and situations. Scientists predict the frequency of extreme events like floods, droughts, tropical storms, tornados, sea level rise, epidemics and other dangers to humans and ecology are increasing. While the press and many scientists spend their time and energy debating the level of certainty of mainstream climate change predictions, and most public attention is focused on abating and mitigating rather than adapting to climate impacts, societies are not doing nearly enough to reduce their vulnerability to the hydra headed monster threatening to transform the earth.
Recommended Citation
Endter-Wada. J. and H. Ingram. 2009. Climate Change as Environmental Mega-Crisis: Domesticated Problems, Patchwork Solutions, Inadequate Incentives. In: Mega-crises in the 21st Century, Special Issue of National Safety and Security and Crisis Management, Directorate for National Safety and Security of the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations in the Netherlands.
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