The Devonian of the Bear River Range, Utah

I. Lavell Cooley, Utah State University

This work made publicly available electronically on April 24, 2012.


The geological column in northern Utah has had very little detailed study. Those who have made reports on this section have done so only in a very general way, making no detailed sections of any part of the column, excepting that of the Cambrian made by Walcott. Other work has been done by Mansfield in southeastern Idaho and a general section of the Devonian made in Green Canyon, Bear River Range, Utah by Kindle.

Due to the lack of any detailed work of this nature being done in the Bear River Range, suggested the matter of making a section and describing the Devonian System of this range, because, probably less is known of this system than of any other one.

Stratigraphic relations were studied in several sections where outcrops were good. Conditions for the study of these outcrops are very favorable, because, within a very short distance of 6 or 7 miles there are 6 canyons cutting the range at approximately right angles to the general trend of the structure, giving satisfactory sections of the greater part of the Paleozoic Era. Blacksmith Fork Canyon gives the best section of the Devonian System in the area studied. Because of easy access and good exposures, this canyon was chosen for a graphic section. Another section was made in Logan Canyon as a matter of comparison.