Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Master of Science (MS)
Journalism and Communication
Department name when degree awarded
Committee Chair(s)
K. S. Sitaram
K. S. Sitaram
Arthur Higbee
Jerry Allen
The primary purpose of the study was to determine the level of teacher competence concerning instructional television and the need for university training for future teachers. The secondary purpose of the study was to determine the availability, accessibility and utilization of instructional television equipment in elementary and secondary schools in the State of Utah.
The principals of 400 elementary and secondary schools were the respondents in this study. A questionnaire was designed to acquire information on the following: (1) What degree of sophistication and types of television equipment are presently available in schools in the State of Utah; (2) what major problems are encountered by teachers using television; and (3) are the universities in the state adequately preparing teachers in the use of instructional television as an instructional medium. The results of the survey suggest that universities should offer prospective teachers hands-on experience in television utilization and production. An overwhelming majority of school principals (91 percent) indicated that universities should be doing this job. The results indicated what type of and how much equipment Utah schools presently have. In addition the survey showed the type of productions and programs that teachers are presently doing with television equipment. The results also identified several specific problem areas teachers now have.
Recommended Citation
Daniels, James W., "Certain Aspects of the Status of Instructional Television in Elementary and Secondary Schools in the State of Utah" (1977). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 1669.
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