"An Examination of Union-Management Relations in the Garland Plant of t" by Theral V. Bishop

Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Economics and Finance

Department name when degree awarded


Committee Chair(s)

Evard B. Murray


Evard B. Murray


The problems presented in Union-Management Relations affect the whole economy. When collective bargaining breaks down and economic warfare, in the form of strikes or lockouts, results between industry and labor, the effects reach far beyond the two parties immediately concerned. Strikes in industries, such as the Coal or Steel Industries, impose depressive imprint upon every segment of the economy. even in purely regional industry the effects of labor dispute spawned shutdowns cannot be isolated to the parties directly involved. Therefore, any efforts that seek to find and remove causes of Union-Management conflict are worth while and should be encouraged. This study examines the relations between the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company and the Union as a representative sample of general Union-Management Relations, with the purpose of determining:

1. The extent to which the union has developed needs and problems different from those of its rank-and-file;

2. The extant to which union political motives take precedence over economic motives in the formation of union policies;

3. How effective the union has been in influencing general working conditions;

4. Whether or not a mutual struggle for survival is underway between the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company and organized labor, and if so, are the company and the local union aware of it;

5. The extent to which collective bargaining has been successful between the parties, and the reasons for failure or success; and

6. To present a history of relations between the parties in the study.



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