Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Economics

Department name when degree awarded

Agricultural Economics

Committee Chair(s)

George T. Blanch


George T. Blanch


Agriculture in Egypt is important to the economic structure of the country today as it was during the ancient days of Joseph and the Pharoahs, which dates back more than 3,500 years. As for Utah, agriculture is still important to the economic structure of the state as it was a hundred years ago in the days of Brigham Young and the Pioneers. These two statements should not hide the fact that the importance of agriculture to the economic structure of the two areas is diminishing. Since these ancient days, new techniques and methods have been introduced and used in agriculture. A great deal of mechanization has also taken place during these many years, but since agriculture is not as dynamic as industry, many old methods of farm management and organization and many old tools of farming are still in use. The slowness of farmers in accepting new ideas and deviating from the inherited methods is a striking example of this fact. Social changes in the field of farm management and organization which occur over years and centuries are so gradual that they are often overlooked. The object of this study is to compare and contrast the organization and management of farms in Egypt and Utah. It is also to find out the common practices and methods used in organizing and managing farms in the two areas. This is done by presenting the availability and costs of the different factors of production and analyzing their effects on farm organization and management. The value of the work is to know the effects of the different factors of production in two different areas. It is also to study the responses of the people of the two areas to these factors. Under different conditions, farmers make different adjustments within their factors of production in order to get the best returens from these factors. The knowledge of these adjustments is of value.



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