Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education

Department name when degree awarded

Industrial Education

Committee Chair(s)

William E. Mortimer


William E. Mortimer


Caseel D. Burke


An essential part of the elementary school curriculum is the creative activity program connected with it. Educators believe that the fullest development of the child can best be attained through a program which provides a series of well selected experiences and activities. At present education considers the whole child--his abilities, needs, and interests--as vital factors in the development of a good curriculum, instead of merely the concrete and formal subject matter. Recently there has been an expressed view, by administrators of elementary school systems and many authorities and industrial arts teachers, that there is a definite need for formulating an effective plan of instruction for industrial arts in the elementary school program. This need has occurred because of the varied programs and confusion of current practices that exist in the activity programs of the elementary school, and the belief that industrial arts, probably more than most other subjects, can contribute to the activity program and the development of the whole child.


