Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Wildland Resources

Department name when degree awarded

Forest Science

Committee Chair(s)

George E. Hart


George E. Hart


Richard Hawkins


J. Paul Riley


Snow accumulation and melt characteristics were studied in Logan Canyon, Utah. Three replications of aspen, conifer, and open field types at 6300, 7100,and 8000 feet were measured for snow depth and water content during 1972. Elevation was found to have the greatest effect on snow water content. The gradient of increasing water content with rise in elevation was found to be .51 inches/100 feet in the zone from 6300 to 7100 feet and 1.9 inches/100 feet from 7100 to 8000 feet. The cooler temperatures at higher elevations partially account for the 8000 foot zone beginning to melt 40 days after the 7100 foot zone, and the 7100 foot zone trailing the 6300 foot zone by 20 days. Although the snow at the 8000 foot elevation began melting later than the lower zones, it melted at twice the rate.

Vegetation cover type has no significant effect on the amount of snow deposited. However, the conifer type protects the snowpack from solar radiation causing the snowpack to have a significantly lower density than the snowpack assocaited with either aspen or open field. The snowpack under the conifer canopy melts 30 percent slower and remains 17 days longer.


