Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Master of Science (MS)
Wildland Resources
Department name when degree awarded
Forest Resources
Committee Chair(s)
Michael Kuhns
Michael Kuhns
Dale Blahna
Rebecca Monhardt
This thesis is an analysis of survey research data evaluating Journeys, a place-based environmental education teacher inservice training program developed and administered by Teton Science School. Information gleaned from stakeholder interviews was used to develop the specific evaluation questions. A self-administered mail survey was then sent to all teachers known to have received Journeys training.
Nearly all trained teachers go on to use Journeys with their classes, and show a commitment to making Journeys a permanent part of their classroom. Teachers generally agreed that their involvement with Journeys has had positive effects on their teaching behaviors and attitudes towards teaching. In particular, Journeys increased their enthusiasm for teaching and their effectiveness as teachers. Teachers believe their involvement with Journeys has increased their students' enthusiasm for learning, helped them learn about their place, and helped them connect to their place. Journeys appears to be an effective interdisciplinary program, helping teachers teach a variety of different subjects. The most significant barriers to implementing Journeys are a lack of time to conduct activities or to prepare for Journeys activities. Answers for open-ended questions revealed that many of the program support components such as site visits, materials provided, and additional follow-up workshops are largely responsible for the popularity of Journeys. Journeys teachers show a strong affinity for the program's philosophy, though it is unclear what specifically is attractive about this philosophy. Journeys appears to be most effective with K-3 teachers.
This thesis supports the notion that place-based approaches to environmental education teacher inservice training are effective. This thesis also provides information that can be used to further develop the Journeys program, and contributes to the literature on place-based education and teacher training in Environmental Education.
Recommended Citation
Hayes, John, "An Evaluation of Teton Science School's Journeys Place-Based Education Program as Effective Environmental Education Teacher Training" (2001). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 237.
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