Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Human Development and Family Studies

Department name when degree awarded

Family and Human Development

Committee Chair(s)

D. Kim Openshaw


D. Kim Openshaw


Robert E. Sorenson


Thomas R. Lee


Self-esteem has been defined by James as a ratio of one's successes to one's pretensions. There are two formulas which have been utilized to calculate self-conception disparity. These formulas are the subtraction-absolute value formula and the ratio formula, which was derived from James. Stuart compared and contrasted these two formulas utilized to calculate self-conception disparity. The purpose of this study was to replicate the work of Stuart, utilizing the same construct scales and statistical methodology, adding to the Moos Family Environment Scale, and taking into account the age and gender of the respondent. The results of this study indicate, as the two formulas are compared, there is a difference in the amount of variance accounted for when the age and gender of the subject are taken into consideration.

Two of the concerns that have been identified as a result of this study are 1) in relationship to the construct-related scales which were utilized in this study, are the two disparity formulas measuring the females and in each age group?; and 2) why did age and gender have such an impact on the amount of variance accounted for between the two formulas for calculating self-conception disparity?


