Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education

Department name when degree awarded

Home Economics and Consumer Education

Committee Chair(s)

Edith Nyman


Edith Nyman


Kent E. Robson


Jane Lott


The relationship of level of education to degree of "internality" in home managers was investigated. Level of education was defined as the number of years of formal education completed. The degree of "internality" was defined as a score on Rotter's I-E Scale.

The instruments used were a background questionnaire and Rotter's I-E Scale.

The background questionnaire and the I-E Scale were administered to 163 home managers from Ogden, Utah, who were members of selected women's church affiliated organizations.

Two hypotheses were formulated and tested:

1. Higher level of formal education will be correlated with lower I-E Scale scores for home managers. A product-moment correlation of r = - .069 was found, and Hypothesis 1 was rejected.

2. Home managers with 13 or more years of formal education will be significantly more "internal" than home managers with 12 or less years of formal education. A non-directional t-test value of 2.23 was found to be significant at the .05 level, and Hypothesis 2 was not rejected.

Analysis of background data showed religious affiliation to be significantly related to I-E Scale scores. The home manager's age also made a significant difference in I-E scores: women 50 years old and over were more "internal."


