Date of Award:
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Degree Name:
Educational Specialist (EdS)
Committee Chair(s)
Donna Gilbertson
Donna Gilbertson
Gretchen Gimpel-Peacock
Nancy Glomb
Identifying positive behavioral interventions for students who display disruptive behavior in the classroom has become a critical issue for schools due to the high frequency of these behaviors and recent changes in legislative requirements. To address this issue, the present study investigated the utility of brief experimental analysis approach as a means to identify the most efficient and effective interventions for three students displaying problem behaviors in the classroom. By using a multi-element design, the brief experimental analysis was conducted by randomly applying interventions for three common functions of problem behavior in the classroom: teacher attention, peer attention, and escape from task demand. Then, the effects of the most efficient and effective intervention on on-task, disruptive, and work completion behaviors were compared relative to a baseline condition over time. There were individual differences in responses to the intervention, but all students responded to at least one treatment. Further, an extended analysis of the alternative baseline conditions using a BAB design was applied that included a treatment phase with the hypothesized efficient and effective treatment and a baseline phase. Results showed that selected interventions decreased disruptive behavior and increased on-task and work completion for all three participants over time relative to baseline.
Recommended Citation
Knapp, Jaclyn King, "Brief Application of Contingent Reversals: Treatment Utility in Increasing Appropriate Classroom Behaviors" (2009). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 259.
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