Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Human Development and Family Studies

Department name when degree awarded

Family and Human Development

Committee Chair(s)

D. Kim Openshaw


D. Kim Openshaw


Brent Miller


Carolyn Barcus


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between collateral therapy and the adult male pedophile's ability to advance through levels of treatment. Data from a convenience sample of 27 adult male pedophiles attending therapy at Intermountain Specialized Abuse Treatment Centers were collected for this study. Data were collected from participants' files on 22 independent variables, including the primary independent variable, collateral sessions. The dependent variable was the time it took participants to advance through levels of treatment.

A comparison of measures of central tendency for participants who had and those who had not participated in collateral therapy indicated a moderate difference in the number of days it took to complete a level when the sample was divided into collateral versus non-collateral participants. Though not statistically significant, results of a correlational analysis revealed an inverse relationship between collateral sessions and time. Results of t tests run to examine the difference in group means between those who had collateral therapy and those who did not indicated no significant difference in group means. However, a difference approaching significance was found in the advancement from Level II to Level III. Those who participated in collateral therapy appear to have finished Level II sooner than those who had no collateral therapy.


