Date of Award:


Document Type:


Degree Name:

Master of Science (MS)


Human Development and Family Studies

Department name when degree awarded

Family, Consumer, and Human Development

Committee Chair(s)

Thorana S. Nelson


Thorana S. Nelson


Marriage and family therapy training involves the development of therapy skills that lead to effective treatment, and the family therapy literature recognizes the importance of skill development in training. The training literature dealing with specific skills most often refers to beginning-level skills and obtains data largely from supervisors and trainers. Intermediate-level skills appear to be overlooked and no apparent attention is given from the perspective of trainees.

This research examined the perspectives of trainees concerning family therapy skills at the intermediate level. Intermediate trainee perspectives were compared with the perspectives of their supervisors. Comparisons were also made with perspectives of beginning students. The findings indicate that intermediate trainees consider all the skills defined by their supervisors as important, with some differences among the groups in the types of skills preferred. Intermediate trainees continue to value the self attributes and joining skills preferred by beginning students as they make the transition to the professional level, where case management and professionalism skills become more important.


