Date of Award:
Document Type:
Degree Name:
Master of Science (MS)
Applied Sciences, Technology, and Education
Department name when degree awarded
Engineering and Technology Education
Committee Chair(s)
Gary Stewardson
Gary Stewardson
Leijun Li
Ning Fang
Continuous and pulse selective laser sintering and laser powder deposition were used to find a solution to the manufacturing of micro-foil lattice structured components. A full factorial test matrix was used for each process to determine the processes capability to produce continuous tracks for joining the micro-foil materials. The samples were evaluated for dimensional profiles, distortion, and cycle times, to develop selection criteria for implementation of the processes into industry.
The selective laser sintering processes were able to join the micro-foil materials into lattice structures with continuous tracks. The laser powder deposition processes were not able to properly join the micro-foil materials into lattice structures. The end results showed that micro-foil lattice structures can be produced using continuous and pulse selective laser sintering.
Recommended Citation
Deceuster, Andrew Isaac, "Investigation of Joining Micro-Foil Materials with Selective Laser Sintering and Laser Powder Deposition" (2009). All Graduate Theses and Dissertations, Spring 1920 to Summer 2023. 434.
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This work was revised and made publicly available electronically on July 19, 2011