"Development and Validation of Spatially Explicit Habitat Models for Ca" by Randall J. Schultz, Jr., Thomas C. Edwards, Jr. et al.

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The ability of USDA Forest Service Forest Inventory and analysis (FIA) generated spatial products to increase the predictive accuracy of spatially explicit, macroscale habitat models was examined for nest-site selection by cavity-nesting birds in Fishlake National Forest, Utah. One FIA-derived variable (percent basal area of aspen trees) was significant in the habitat model; however, the incorporation of FIA stand structure information did not increase model accuracy. Cavity-nesting birds respond strongly to nest-tree attributes unable to be modeled spatially for this study. Future modeling efforts should focus on larger taxa (e.g., ungulates) and richness/diversity studies.


2002 Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium
