"Conceptual Evaluation of Regional Ground-Water Flow in the Carbonate-R" by United States Geological Survey

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The carbonate-rock province of the Great Basin, mainly in eastern Nevada and western Utah, is characterized by thick sequences of carbonate rocks of Paleozoic age. These rocks overlie clastic and crystalline rocks of Cambrian and Precambrian age, respectively. Since the carbonate rocks were deposited, structural compression and extension, intrusive and volcanic episodes, and erosion have greatly modified their distribution and thickness, and a variety of younger rocks and deposits have been emplaced within and above them. The most notable present-day physiographic features in the area are associated with normal faults caused by tensional forces during Tertiary time: The faulting has formed the north- to northeast-trending mountain ranges and adjacent sedimentary basins that characterize the terrane. The 100,000-square mile study area, with its abundant carbonate rocks, is referred to in this report as the carbonate-rock province of the Great Basin.


Open-File Report 93-170.
