"Draft Special Resource Study and Environmental Assessment" by United States Department of Interior National Park Service

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One of the responsibilities of the National Park Service is to identify nationally significant natural, cultural, and recreational resources and assist in their preservation both inside and outside the national park system. The areas managed by the National Park Service are only one part of a national inventory of special and protected areas managed by innumerable federal, state, and local agencies and the private sector. Consequently, addition to the national park system is only one of many alternatives for ensuring the preservation of significant national resources for public enjoyment and benefit. As such, the purpose of this study is to provide the Untied States Congress with a professional analysis of whether the nationally significant resources of the Bear River massacre site are suitable and feasible to be added to the national park system. In addition, this special resource study presents four alternatives for the future protection, interpretation and management of the Bear River massacre site. The study also describes a no action alternative in order to provide a bases of comparison with the other alternatives. The Bear River massacre site lies a little over six kilometers (four miles) north of Preston, Idaho, in the southeast corner of the state, the county seat of Franklin County. Today, an existing road-side monument erected by the Daughters of the Utah Pioneers and an interpretive sign placed by Idaho Department of Transportation near the site commemorate the massacre by emphasizing the roles of the nineteenth century settlers and the military. The surrounding 1691 acres are designated a national historic landmark. With the exception of a highway right-of-way, all land is privately owned.


United States Department of the Interior National Park Service Special Resource Study. SuDocs call # I 29.58/4:B 38/DRAFT.
