"Geologic Characterization Report for the Paradox Basin Study Region Ut" by United States Department of Energy

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This study is a part of the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) National Waste Terminal Storage Program (NWTS). The scope of DOE's NWTS responsibilities include providing the technology and facilities to isolate high-level radio-active wastes for as long as the wastes represent a hazard. Emplacement of waste packages in mined geologic repositories deep underground in various types of rock formations is one method being evaluated. Using a basic site selection process (Figure 1-1), regions being investigated include portions of the United States that are underlain by tuff, salt domes, granite, basalt, and bedded salt. The latter medium is the subject of this report.


United States Department of Energy Contractor Research and Development Report. SuDocs call # E 1.28:ONWI-290/V.5/APP.
