"Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Id" by United States Department of Energy

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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is performing a DOE-wide programmatic evaluation of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) management alternatives in order to determine the appropriate means of managing existing and projected quantities of SNF from now until the year 2035. At the same time, the DOE is performing a site-specific assessment of the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) in order to determine how to manage environmental restoration, waste management, and SNF at the INEL. Sites currently involved with the management of major fractions of DOE SNF (i.e., the Hanford Site, Savannah River Site, and INEL), alternative sites being analyzed for management of SNF (Oak Ridge Reservation and Nevada Test Site), and sites involved with management of SNF from Naval Reactors are addressed in separate appendixes to this volume of the environmental impact statement (EIS). This appendix addresses other DOE sites and locations which currently generate and manage small quantities of SNF. These facilities are presently storing and/or generating, in most cases, relatively small quantities of SNF which the DOE has taken title to, has possession of, or will take possession of at sometime in the future.


United States Department of Energy Environmental Impact Statement. SuDocs call# E 1.20:0203-F/V.1/APP.E
