"Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Id" by United States Department of Energy

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This Appendix B to Volume 1 considers the impacts on the INEL environment of the implementation of various DOE-wide spent nuclear fuel management alternatives. The Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, which is a joint Navy/DOE program, is responsible for spent naval nuclear fuel examiniation at the INEL. For this appendix, naval fuel that has been examined at the Naval Reactors Facility and turned over to DOE for storage is termed naval-type fuel. This appendix evaluates the management of DOE spent nuclear fuel including naval-type fuel. Naval spent nuclear fuel examination is addressed in Appendix D; Section 5.16 of this appendix includes relevant environmental consequences from Appendix D.


United States Department of Energy Environmental Impact Statement. SuDocs call# E 1.20:0203-F/V.1/APP.B .
