"Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Id" by United States Department of Energy

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The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is engaged in two related decisionmaking processes concerning: (1) the transportation, receipt, processing, and storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) at the DOE Idaho National Engineering Laboratory (INEL) which will focus on the next 10 years; and (2) programmatic decisions on future spent nuclear fuel management which will emphasize the next 40 years. DOE is analyzing the environmental consequences of these spent nuclear fuel management actions in this two-volume Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). Volume 1 supports broad programmatic decisions that will have applicability across the DOE complex and describes in detail the purpose and need for this DOE action. Volume 2 is specific to actions at the INEL. This document, which limits its discussion to the Savannah River Site (SRS) spent nuclear fuel management program, supports Volume 1 of the EIS. Other documents supporting Volume 1 focus on spent nuclear fuel management programs for the Hanford Site, INEL, Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program, and other sites.


United States Department of Energy Environmental Impact Statement. Sudocs call# E 1.20:0203-F/V.1/APP.C .
