"Department of Energy Programmatic Spent Nuclear Fuel Management and Id" by United States Department of Energy

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This appendix describes the alternatives which have been evaluated for the examination and storage of spent nuclear fuel from U. S. naval nuclear shipboard and prototype reactors. The spent fuel is removed during reactor refuelings and defuelings at naval and commercial shipyards and at the prototype sites. The alternatives include a range of options for managing naval spent fuel through the year 2035. The options for spent fuel examination include ceasing all examinations, examining a limited amount of fuel at a naval shipyard, and performing a full range of examinations at the current facility (Idaho National Engineering Laboratory) or at another Department of Energy (DOE) facility. The options for naval spent fuel storage include storage at the refueling and defueling sites (in some cases, it is necessary to move the fuel to the closest acceptable Navy shipyard), storage at the current facility, or storage at another DOE facility. Spent fuel transportation aspects will depend on the examination and storage alternatives selected.


United States Department of Energy Environmental Impact Statement. Sudocs call# E 1.20:0203-F/V.1/APP.D/PT.A
