"Community Environmental Response, Facilitation Act Report for Tooele A" by Ageiss Environmental, Inc.

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This report presents the results of the Community Environmental Response Facilitation Act (CERFA) investigation conducted by AGEISS Environmental, Inc. (AGEISS) at the Tooele Army Depot - North Area (TEAD-N), a U.S. Government property selected for closure by the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission under Public Laws 100-526 and 101-510. The primary objective of this investigation as required under CERFA (Public Law 102-426), is for Federal agencies to expeditiously identify real property offering the greatest opportunity for immediate reuse and redevelopment. Satisfying this objective requires the identification of real property where no Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) regulated hazardous substances or petroleum products or their derivatives were stored for one year or more, known to have been released, or disposed.

The property examined under this investigation consists of a 1,684 acre site located in Tooele County, UT, immediately west of the city of Tooele, UT. The BRAC parcel that is the subject of this CERFA investigation is actually tow geographically discrete parcels located within the east central and southeast portion of TEAD-N. The largest parcel covers most of the Maintenance and Supply Area, while the smaller parcel is located in the Administration Area east of the railroad tracks. Numberous structures and open storage lots are present in the TEAD-N BRAC parcel. The installation's primary mission is to receive, store, issue, maintain, and dispose of munitions; to provide vehicle and equipment maintenance, repair, and storage; to provide installation support to attached organizations; and to operate other facilities as assigned. Environmentally significant operations associated with the property are vehicle and equipment maintenance, storage, and repair; fuel storage; and hazardous materials storage.

AGEISS reviewed existing investigation documents, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), State, and county regulatory records, environmental databases, and title documents pertaining to TEAD-N as well as visual inspections and database searches for the surrounding properties. This information was used to divide the 1,684 acre BRAC parcel into four categories of parcels: CERFA parcels, CERFA parcels with qualifiers, CERFA disqualified parcels, and CERFA excluded parcels.

Areas of the BRAC parcel that have no history of CERCLA-regulated hazardous substances or petroleum product release, disposal, or storage are categorized as ERFA parcels. AGEISS' investigation and subsequent parcelization of the 1,684 acre BRAC parcel determined that approximately 577 acres of the BRAC parcel fall within the CERFA parcel category. The CERFA parcels are located predominantly in the eastern portion of the Maintenance and Supply Area of the BRAC parcel and throughout much of the Administration Area of the BRAC parcel.

Areas of the BRAC parcel that had no evidence of such release disposal, or storage, but contained related environmental, hazard, and safety issues, such as asbestos, radon gas, lead-based paint, unexploded ordnance, radionuclides, or not in-use polychlorinated biphenyl containing equipment, were categorized as CERFA disqualified parcels. One thousand sixty (1,060) acres of installation property are identified as CERFA disqualified parcels. The majority of the CERFA disqualified acreage is underlain by the maximum extent of the trichloroethylene groundwater plume present at the TEAD-N installation.

The remaining areas on the installation have an existing mandate for retention by the Federal government, or have already been transferred by deed and are categorized as CERFA excluded parcels. The remainder of the TEAD-N installation excluding the 1,684 acre BRAC parcel was identified as CERFA excluded.

The accompanying map summarizes the categorization of the TEAD-N BRAC parcel based on the above definitions. This Executive Summary should be used only in conjunction with the complete Final CERFA Report for this installation. The Final CERFA Report provides the relevant environmental history to substantiate the parcel categorization. All available information obtained from October 1993 through September 1994 was reviewed and incorporated in the Final CERFA Report.

The Draft Final CERFA Report was reviewed by the U.S. Army Center, TEAD-N Installation, Region VIII EPA, and the State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality. The primary objective of CERFA is satisfied by the identification of CERFA parcels and CERFA parcels with qualifiers. As a result, concurrence was sought from the regulatory agencies on these two categories of parcels. Comments from these organizations are incorporated into Appendix D of this final document, including any unresolved issues from the regulatory agencies.

This report does not address other property transfer requirements which may be applicable under the National Environmental Policy Act, nor does it address natural resource considerations such as endangered, rare, or threatened plant or animal life.


Submitted to: U.S. Army Environmental Center Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland 21020 USAEC Contract DAAA15-93-D-0006
