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This investigation was undertaken by Dames & Moore, Salt Lake City, Utah, at the request of the U.S. Geological Survey under contract number 14-08-0001-17489. The resource information gathered for this report is in response to the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976 (P.L. 94-377). Published and unpublished public information available through June, 1979, was used as the data base for this study. Neither drilling nor field mapping was performed; nor were any confidential data used.
Recommended Citation
United States Geological Survey, "Coal Resource Occurrence and Coal Development Potential Maps of the Northeast Quarter of the Mt. Pennell 15-Minute Quadrangle, Garfield County, Utah" (1980). All U.S. Government Documents (Utah Regional Depository). Paper 82.
Open-File Report 80-116.