Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Education (MEd)



Committee Chair(s)

Michael Bertoch


Michael Bertoch


During my years in the public school system, I have felt that a basic deterrent to the child's personal and emotional growth has been the inability of educators to effectively communicate with children in the classroom. Gordon (1970, p. 298) states that teachers and other adults "lack the basic attitudes and skills to be effective training agents in an interpersonal relationship with a child or adolescent." Flanders (1971) feels that teachers, while behaviorally influencing children and determining the learning situation, actually have little knowledge about those methods of influence.

I am concerned with the need to train teachers to work more effectively with individual personalities within the classroom. The present study investigates four distinctive methods of training teachers with their relative effectiveness within a classroom environment. Each of the four teaching methods will be summarily described in theory, including relevant outcome of each in actual classroom applications, and a comparative analysis of the four methods will be made as to similarities, differences and effectiveness.
