Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mathematics and Statistics

Committee Chair(s)

Brynja Kohler


Brynja Kohler


Kady Schneiter


Brent Thomas


Jessi Lajos


Many studies have been done using task-based learning within different mathematics courses. Within the field of trigonometry, task-based learning is lacking. The following research aimed to create engaging, mathematically rich tasks that meet the standards for the current trigonometry course at Utah State University and align with the State of Utah Core Standards for 7th through 12th grades. Four lessons were selected and developed based on the alignment of standards, the relevance to the remainder of the trigonometry course, and the relevance to courses beyond trigonometry. The four lessons that were chosen and developed were related to trigonometric ratios, graphing sine and cosine functions, the sum and difference identities, and vectors. The four tasks were implemented in trigonometry courses and then student work was collected and analyzed for the following research questions: (1) What approaches did the student use to complete the task given; (2) How can student responses to the tasks help to improve the tasks (i.e., are there errors in the students’ logic, did they answer the questions fully, how can the task be improved to allow student critical thinking, etc.). Along with the four lessons, a formative assessment was given to assess students as related to the objectives of the task. Using student data, the lessons were revised to allow for student critical thinking and engagement. The implementation of the tasks was observed using the observation tool known as the Mathematics Classroom Observation Protocol for Practice (MCOP2). The MCOP2 was used to measure student engagement for each task. Reflections were completed using the Thinking Through a Lesson Protocol (TTLP) to allow the instructor to reflect on the implementation of the tasks and how they can continue to be improved with these observations. Finally, students were asked to complete an end-of-semester survey to reflect on all four tasks. The results of the study are four tasks with formative assessments in trigonometry that are mathematically rich and allow critical thinking from students.
