Date of Award

Spring 2013

Degree Type


Degree Name

Departmental Honors


School of Teacher Education and Leadership


Curriculum integration is a growing trend in education. Researchers look at integration to alleviate the demand on educator’s time to teach while still meeting all core standards, whether they are state standards such as the Utah Core Standards or other standards such as Common Core State Standards. For my honors project I looked at curriculum integration applied to the elementary classroom setting. Having researched integration examples and best practices I created three lessons that were taught during my student teaching. My lessons met all Common Core State Standards and Utah Core Standards. Through an action research qualitative study I reflected on my experiences with curriculum integration. I answered the following research questions: (1) What does research say about integration in the classroom? (2) Is it effective to integrate two or more subjects? (3) Is it a sensible venture? The lessons were observed and critiqued by a cooperating teacher and evaluation assessment data were collected and analyzed for all students in the classroom. I used a journal to reflect on my practices of integration and my personal experience. Themes from the teaching journal are shared.

Included in

Education Commons



Faculty Mentor

Deborah Byrnes