"Flex and Balance: Exercising Reform in Twenty-First Century Library Wo" by Jennifer Duncan

Document Type


Journal/Book Title/Conference

Informed Librarian


Infosources Publishing

Publication Date



I am an assistant librarian on the tenure-track and responsible for all aspects of the electronic collections at a large research university. I am also the mother of a two-and-a-half year old little girl. Those two identifying characteristics make me one of at least 26.2 million U.S. working-women with children at home. According to my favorite reference source, The Statistical Abstract of the United States, I am also one of 229,000 civilian librarians, of whom 84% are women. I couldn’t find a statistic for how many women librarians have children at home, but, by extrapolation, you can see that there are probably a lot of us. Oh, and by the way, I’m exhausted. Finding time to be an excellent mom as well as an excellent librarian is a challenge, but both roles are very important to me. In fact, being the mother of a little girl makes me even more determined to have a successful career so that I can be a good role-model for my daughter.


Originally published by Infosources Publishing. This article was an invited publication for the Informed Librarian.



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