Table of Contents
- --Without Purse of Scrip? Financing Latter-day Saint Missionary Work in Europe in the Nineteenth Century
Richard J. Jensen, 3
- --Change Engulfs a Frontier Settlement: Ogden and Its Residents Respond to the Railroad
Brian Q. Cannon, 15
- --Religion and Culture: A Persistent Problem
Langdon Gilkey, 29
- --Entre Nous: An Intimate History of MHA
Maureen Ursenbach Beecher, 43
- --John E. Page: An Apostle of Uncertainty
John Quist, 53
- --The Earliest Reference Guides to the Book of Mormon: Windows into the Past
Grand Underwood, 69
- --John Hafen and the Art Missionaries
Martha Elizabeth Bradley and Lowell M. Durham, Jr., 91
- --Arrington's Moses Stephen J. Stein 107 Mormon Women: A Bibliography in Process, 1977-1985
Compiled by Lyn Scott and
Maureen Ursenbach Beecher, 113
- --The Surprising J. Reuben Clark J.Keith Melville 129 Political Deliverance — At a Price: The Quest for Statehood
Jean Bickmore White, 135