Journal of Mormon History | Journals | Utah State University
The Journal of Mormon History exists to foster scholarly research and publication in the field of Mormon history. Manuscripts dealing with all aspects of Mormon history are welcome, including twentieth-century history and contemporary history, regional and local history, folklore, historiography, women's history, and ethnic/minorities history. First consideration will be given to those that make a contribution to knowledge through new interpretations and/or new information. The Board of Editors will also consider the paper's general interest, accuracy, level of interpretation, and literary quality. The Journal does not consider reprints or simultaneous submissions. Journal of Mormon History.

See the Aims and Scope for a complete coverage of the journal.

Access: Journals from 1974-2014 are available on this Digital Commons. For complete access of the Journal, please go to JSTOR Subscriptions to the Journal of Mormon History comes with a Mormon History Association membership. For membership information, refer to the University of Illinois Press, For more information on the Mormon History Association, go to

Volume 40, Issue 4 (2014) Journal of Mormon History Fall 2014 volume 40 issue 4

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