Table of Contents
- --Mormon Women, Other Women: Paradoxes and Challenges
Anne Firor Scott, 3
- --Strangers in a Strange Land: Heber J. Grant and the Opening of the Japanese Mission
Ronald W. Walker, 21
- --Lamanism, Lymanism, and Cornfields
Richard E. Bennett, 45
- --Mormon Missionary Wives in Nineteenth Century Polynesia
Carol Cornwall Madsen, 61
- --The Federal Bench and Priesthood Authority: The Rise and Fall of John Fitch Kinney's Early Relationship with the Mormons
Michael W. Homer, 89
- --The 1903 Dedication of Russia for Missionary Work
Kahlile Mehr, 111
- --Between Two Cultures: The Mormon Settlement of Star Valley, Wyoming
Dean L.May, 125