

Table of Contents




  • --Form and Feeling in a Carefully Crafted Life: Eliza R. Snow's "Poem of Poems" Jill Mulvay Derr, 1


  • --Looking West: Mormonism and the Pacific World Laurie F. Maffly-Kipp, 40
  • --Wilford Woodruffs Vision of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence Brian H. Stuy, 64
  • --Why Did the Scots Convert? Polly Aird, 91
  • --Star Valley, Wyoming: Polygamous Haven Dan Erickson, 123
  • --"Heathen in Our Fair Land": Presbyterian Women Missionaries in Utah, 1870-90 Jana Kathryn Riess, 165


  • --Setting the Record Straight Richard Neitzel Holzapfel, 196


--New Mormon Studies CD-ROM: A Comprehensive Resource Library Marjorie Newton, 210

--Infobase Library, CD-ROM Richard E. Bennett and John P. Livingstone, 212

--Utah History Suite, CD-Rom Patricia Lyn Scott, 216

--Harvard S. Heath, ed., In the World: The Diaries of Reed Smoot Richard D. Ouellette, 218

--Jessie L. Embry, "In His Own Language:" Mormon Spanish-Speaking Congregations in the United States Ignacio M. Garcia, 223

--David L. Bigler, Forgotten Kingdom: The Mormon Theocracy in the American West, 1847-1896 Edward Leo Lyman, 228

--John E. Hallwas and Roger D. Launius, Cultures in Conflict: A Documentary History of the Mormon War in Illinois; Governor Thomas Ford, annotated and introduced by Rodney O. Davis, A History of Illinois: From Its Commencement as a State in 1818 to 1947; and John E. Hallwas and Roger D. Launius, Kingdom on the Mississippi Revisited: Nauvoo in Mormon History Donald D. Godfrey, 233

--Thomas E. Toone, Mahonri Young: His Life and Art; and Norma S. Davis. A Song of Joys: The Biography of Mahonri Mackintosh Young, Sculptor, Painter, Etcher Frank McEntire, 237

--Peter Crawley, A Descriptive Bibliography of the Mormon Church, Vol. 1, 1830-1847 Richard Saunders, 246

--Maurice L. Draper, Footnotes: Excerpts from an Appointee's Diary and Elder's Expense Reports-Missionary Years; and Gary Shepherd and Gordon Shepherd, Mormon Passage: A Missionary Chronicle Madison H. Thomas, 248

--Brigham D. Madsen, Against the Grain: Memoirs of a Western Historian MaxJ. Evans, 254

--Stan Larson, ed., A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic Diaries of Rudger Clawson Brian H. Stuy, 257

--Ronald W. Walker, Wayward Saints: The Godbeites and Brigham Young Richard Neitzel Hohapfel, 259

--Richard D. Poll, Working the Divine Miracle: The Life of Apostle Henry D. Moyle C. Brooklyn Derr, 263

--Phyllis Barber, Parting the Veil: Stories from a Mormon Imagination Eric A. Eliason, 269

--Elwin C. Robison, The First Mormon Temple: Design, Construction, and Historic Context of the Kirtland Temple Allen D. Roberts, 272

--Ronald W. Walker and Doris R. Dant, eds. Nearly Everything Imaginable: The Everyday Life of Utah's Mormon Pioneers Linda Thatcher, 275

--Ann Wagner, Adversaries of Dance: From the Puritans to the Present Sara Lee Gibb, 279

--Will Bagley, ed. Scoundrel's Tale: The Samuel Brannan Papers William G. Hartley, 282

--Carol Cornwall Madsen, ed., Battle for the Ballot: Essays on Woman Suffrage in Utah, 1870-1896 Cheryll Lynn May, 285

--Albert Winkler, Das Massaker am Bdrenfluss Kahlile Mehr, 287

--John Alton Peterson, Utah's Black Hawk War Howard A. Christy, 288

--S. George Ellsworth, ed., The History of Louisa Barnes Pratt: Mormon Missionary Widow and Pioneer Will Bagley, 296

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